
The Context

Mental health research consistently demonstrates exceedingly high rates of loneliness experienced by Generation Z in contrast to previous generations. 92NY was committed to starting a national conversation about loneliness through social media by raising awareness, reducing the stigma around loneliness, and providing practical resources for addressing loneliness through connection to oneself and others.

The Project

92NY’s social impact division, The Belfer Center, launched the #LessLonely Campaign, a Gen Z-focused campaign destigmatizing and combatting loneliness, and providing simple calls to action and resources for connection. #LessLonely launched in collaboration with GivingTuesday.

What We Did

  • Developed the campaign’s social media strategy and provided strategic recommendations to maximize the digital impact
  • Spearheaded relationships with key organizational partners to amplify and partner on the campaign
  • Worked with 92NY’s network and staff to execute branding, messaging, and content creation
  • Led the development of 92NY’s content calendar

The Impact

During its launch week, the #LessLonely campaign reached over 12 million people across 92NY’s digital channels. By building amplification partnerships, the campaign has continued to use the momentum as a base to continue critical conversations around loneliness, particularly within already established youth-focused digital communities.

Meet the Blogger

Dillon St. Bernard (he/him) is a purpose-driven content strategist and the Founder of Amplify Pledge, a movement of individuals, brands, and organizations who make social change impossible to ignore.

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